Orders / Sales Contract
JOY declines all responsibility for the possibility that the malfunction of the PC of the end customer shows colors that do not conform to the originals.
Sells only quality products.
It does not guarantee that all information on https://www.joyitalia.com/ complies with the jurisdiction of other countries.
It cannot guarantee that the site has no viruses or other possible sources of damage.
We reserve the right to review the contents of the legal terms whenever necessary without notification to the end customer.
The end customer must respect our legal terms and worry about periodically checking these pages.
Orders are accepted via the Internet (website, email). Check the Order Confirmation and the correctness of the shipping address and promptly notify JOY of any error in writing. Otherwise the indications contained in the Order Confirmation will apply to the Contract.
Payment method
Our Shop uses PayPal, a simple and safe way to pay online without revealing your credit card number.
Payment by credit card is accepted.
Prices and availability
Product prices are clearly indicated on the site and include VAT. In non-EU countries the price does not include national taxes and import taxes.
Product delivery
JOY will deliver the ordered products to the address indicated. Delivery times are from 2 to 4 working days throughout Italy. If you want to know more precisely the delivery times of an item you intend to purchase, please request them via email from our customer service before purchasing. In the event that the product is not available, you will be promptly informed by e-mail.
Information about shipping
Deliveries take place throughout the Italian territory and in the countries of the European community. The delivery address and the billing address cannot correspond to a hotel or post office box. Deliveries are guaranteed by express courier from Monday to Friday, excluding holidays.
Standard / Delivery within 24 / 48h / shipping at € 3 with SDA courier, free through the use of certain discount codes
Standard / Delivery within 48 / 72h shipping charges automatically calculated at the time of purchase
Current legislation and competence
Any dispute regarding the application, execution, interpretation and breach of the contract entered into online by the Customer with JOY, is subject to Italian jurisdiction.
The Court of the place where the contract is executed has jurisdiction over any dispute between the parties