
Color your style

joy italia borse vegan

Autumn Gift: Get a Beauty Case Color for free!

Starting from today until the 31 of October you get a Beauty Case Color for free when you buy a modular Joy bag. Enjoy yourself creating your modular Joy bag and get a Color S or L in the color you prefer! How do I access the promo? Select the bag and the Beauty Case […]

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roberta zaino componibile impermeabile immagine articolo

Roberta: Joy’s modular backpack

Roberta is the modular backpack created by Joy, small but capacious. Every part of it is interchangeable. Discover every Roberta’s characteristics.   Roberta is the result of our designers creativity that, after bags and belts, managed to made modular and interchangeable even a backpag! You can as a matter of fact change the flap, the […]

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Novità 2018: Joy’s modular sandals

Are you ready to color your summer? With Joy Sandals you can customize your style whenever you want! Joy’s Modular Sandals are soft, comfortable and, as usual, super colorful! Here are some technical info. The Sandals are composed by three layers: The first, starting from the bottom, has a slip-resistant layer, perfect for every type […]

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Joy’s materials: Eva

Eva is the innovative material we have chosen to give our fashion accessories resistance, softness and lightness.
What is Eva ?
Short for Ethyl Vinyl Acetate, this material has many, many qualities: it is wear, weather and UV light resistant,  its color naver fades and it is waterproof, so really easy to wash.

Eva is syntethic and does not present any component of animal origin! For this reason we have been awarded by LAV (Lega Anti Vivisezione /  Anti Vivisection League) with the maximum rating VVV+ in the project Animal Free, for a ethic and sustainable fashion.

This awesome material is available in 16 different colors: aqua, charcoal grey, orange, light blue, white. blue, bordeaux, camel, fuchsia, yellow, grey. violet, brown, black, red and green.

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borsa modificabile in microporosa

Alicudi, the most modular bag by Joy

Alicudi is our first creation: a medium shopping bag, perfect for every occasion
Alicudi is a totally hand-made product. It is the first bag model presented during an exposition, where it won everybody’s heart. The reason of this is it great modularity, that makes of Alicudi the most versatile bag of our collection. It is indeed perfect for all occasions!

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